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Talos_An Ancient Roman Reverse Harem Romance Page 11

  My guilty conscience rose like a spectre before me. This was all my fault. I had known what I was doing was foolhardy. I knew I put the lives of my guards at risk. I might already have cost Ramus his. Now I might have inadvertently cost my pack theirs. All so I could play at being a hero. I did not deserve their love.

  “Stop thinking like that,” Talos reprimanded me tersely, another pinprick of light disappearing.

  “Like what?” I challenged.

  “Like any of this is your fault. You didn’t start this fire. You just did what you had to do. Help. You always have to help. It’s who you are. Am I right?”

  I nodded reluctantly, then realised how stupid that was and spoke the affirmation.

  “How many people now live because of you?” he asked again, his tone still harsh. Yet another source of light disappeared. There were only a few left now, making the darkness increasingly oppressive.

  “Not many... not enough for what it may have cost us all. If you and the rest of the pack die. If Ramus dies... It will tarnish my soul in the afterlife.”

  “Who’s Ramus?” Talos sounded jealous, and I felt a feminine burst of pleasure from it.

  “My guard. He was injured trying to stop me coming into this insula. A beam fell on him.”

  “Oh, right. I saw him. He was unconscious, but seemed to be all right. A bad gash on his head, that’s all.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. But would people take his unconscious body with them when they withdrew from the encroaching fire? They had pulled him out of the way; surely they wouldn’t then leave him to die.

  “The fire is moving fast,” I said.

  Talos was silent above me as he shifted around a little more to finish filling the gaps. They were almost all done now. As long as the air remained fresh and the water continued to flow, we could survive down here until the fire passed. Of course, we had to then find a way to get out. With a whole building on top of us, that might not be easy.

  The final hole was filled and Talos made his slow, careful way back to my side. He collapsed on the floor so close to me I could feel the heat of his body and smell the musky scent of his skin. It should have repulsed me, as the sweating bodies in the Forum had offended my senses, but Talos smelled like... like man, my man, and I could breathe him in forever.

  His big hand came out to cup my cheek, and I felt his warm breath close to my ear. “We will get through this, she-wolf. We will survive this, and so will our pack. No one will be declaring us runaways when the whole city is burning down around our ears. I wouldn’t be surprised if everything went... even the ludus and the amphitheatre out on the Campus Martius. This is a conflagration. I have heard of them before. Usually they’re in forests. Nothing can stop them. Only lack of fuel. And Rome has plenty of fuel.”

  I nodded my head, too consumed by his closeness to find words. In the dark, every sense came alive to replace sight. I could feel his heat, his strength, his size; I could smell his earthy maleness; and I could almost taste him on my tongue.

  Memories of taking Asterius into my mouth and breathing him in filled my mind. What would Talos be like to taste like that? Would he be bigger than Asterius, as he was in every other way? My fingers itched to find out.

  Gods, this was dangerous. If I was not careful I would weaken and give in to my need. That could cost Talos his life. If we were found, our time together would be scrutinised. If I gave in to my need it would show on my face. How could it not? And then what would happen to him? My heart lurched sickenly.

  “What is it?” he asked, his deep voice, even deeper than usual, still retained a little of the rasp brought on by ingesting smoke.

  “Nothing... I just worry for you. What they might do to you if they thought... if they thought something happened down here between us.”

  He let out a low growl that had my skin tingling. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want. You can trust me as you did Asterius.”

  Was it hot in here? Moments before I had been pleasantly cool because of the breeze blowing down the pipe, now I felt as hot as when I was in the building above.

  “Did he tell you?” I managed to choke out.

  His lips grazed my hair, while his big hand slid from my cheek to my neck. Everywhere he touched me I was on fire.

  “A bit. Enough to know he protected your virginity. For him that was big. He’s not known for putting his own desires second.”

  “And you? Can you protect me from myself?” I breathed out, feeling a little light-headed.

  “I will protect you from anything that might cause you pain. Even me.”

  He sounded sad, and my hand automatically came up to stroke his cheek. It was smooth. I knew Pater’s gladiators plucked the hairs from their body, as the Spartans did so long ago.

  “I wish things were different. I miss you all so much it is sometimes hard to find the desire to go on,” I admitted reluctantly.

  He groaned and turned to kiss my palm. “Don’t. Don’t talk like that. You are too strong to give in. You would destroy us all, if you did.”

  I hated that he was right. I hated that my life was not mine to do with as I wished. I could not be with the men I loved because of our stations, I could not work as a healer because of my station, I could not even choose to die because of who it would hurt. I was forced to go on in my meaningless little life, alone and miserable.

  Sniffing back tears, I turned away to lay on my side, my back to Talos. My misery was caused by my exhaustion and the stress of our situation. Feeling sorry for myself was not my way. I needed to get a hold of myself.

  Talos lay down behind me and wrapped one big arm across my waist. It felt too comforting, too welcome. I should push it away. But I was a coward and selfish. I would take every little morsel of connection I could get from this protective, gentle man.

  Chapter Nine


  We must have slept, because when I opened my eyes again I felt rested. Instead of lying on my side cradling Accalia against my front, I was now lying flat on my back and she was nestled comfortably against my side, her head on my shoulder. I knew all this from sensation alone because it was oppressively dark.

  Was it still night or was the fallen building above us keeping out all light? At least my attempt to seal out the smoke had succeeded. We were cool down here and the air was fresh. In that moment, I felt intense peace and contentment. I could stay like this forever, my woman at my side, the air cooling my parched skin.

  But, of course, I couldn’t. For one thing we would starve. I had some crusts of bread in my pack—we’d all brought a little food and water with us—but those crusts wouldn’t last long. Soon we would have to find our way out and back to the world where this fragile waif of a woman was my mistress, and I was her slave. Where my fate was to fight and possibly die in the arena while hers was to marry a patrician and bear him children.

  Never had I hated fate as much as I did in that moment.

  Accalia shifted and sighed. I knew she was awake because the arm thrown over my belly suddenly tightened. It felt as if she was trying to hold onto me. Trying to keep me as her own.

  “How did you sleep?” I asked, my voice little more than a gravelled growl.

  “Like the dead. Luckily, I am not. Yet.” Her tone was light, but I sensed the sadness under it.

  “And won’t be for a long time. We will get through this, Accalia,” I assured her.

  She turned her head to kiss my neck. “I know. But is it wrong to wish we could stay here forever?”

  “Not wrong, just impractical. We have to eat.”

  She nodded her head. “I do not seem to feel hungry anymore.”

  That worried me, as did her slim form. I knew she was losing weight, we’d all commented on it, but until I felt her fragility I hadn’t really understood just how close to the line she was walking.

  “You have to eat. You have to live, she-wolf! For us. You have to live for us.”

  She nodded her head again. “I know, but I just...
I just never feel hungry anymore. Do you remember when we would sit beside your fire and eat the rabbits you snared? I was so revolted by that at first, but then when I tried it... I had never tasted anything as good!”

  My mouth salivated at the memory. “Those little sweet meats you brought were better.”

  “The raspberry ones,” she said longingly.

  “Because they tasted of Typhon?” I guess from her tone.

  She stiffened in my arms. “You know about that kiss?”

  “Yes. Typhon told us so Asterius would share his experiences with you. Not... Not to invade your privacy or to... I don’t know.” I felt embarrassed and ashamed; remembering how I’d pleasured myself that night imagining it had been me with Accalia not Asterius.

  “I did not know a woman could feel such pleasure,” she admitted. “But sometimes I wish Asterius had never shown me... It only makes it worse now.”

  I turned over so I was on my side and Accalia was on her back. While I kept one arm under her head as a pillow, I used the other hand to feel her face. It was wet with tears as I expected.

  “Asterius said you love us all, not just him,” I ventured.

  She’d said she missed us all, but that was different. Maybe she cared about the rest of us as brothers and only loved Asterius as a woman loved a man.

  Her head nodded. “It is wrong, the way I feel for you all. I should not even love one of you, no less all of you.” Her voice was little more than a whisper, but I could hear her quite clearly.

  For the first time, I realised the din of the fire had lessened. But I had no desire to explore a way out. Not when I had all I wanted in my arms right this moment.

  I kissed her cheek, remaining there in the hope she might take up the invitation.

  She did. Her face turned towards me, and I felt her lips graze the corner of my mouth. I turned my head just a little more so she could kiss me properly if she wanted to. And she did. Her questing lips found mine and my heart missed a beat. Gods, she was so sweet! I had known she’d taste like no one else, but this sweetness was unexpected and so incredibly good.

  I kissed her back, letting all the tenderness I felt for her flow through me. Our kiss deepened of its own accord as her lips parted under mine. Pressing forward, I tasted her with my tongue, drowning in the sensations she drew from me. Passion and hunger surged up to engulf me, and I deepened the kiss further, taking what she offered like a hungry man devours food.

  Her arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders, trying to get closer to me. I drew her in by burying my fingers in her short, soft hair. I didn’t notice the clumps of dirt in it, or how she tasted slightly of ash, all that mattered was the woman underneath.

  My senses tunnelled in until there was nothing but her. Nothing but our mouths fused together. Nothing but our need.

  How my hand ended up under her tunic I do not know, but the next thing I was aware of was closing my palm over the small mound of her breast. She whimpered into my mouth. I fingered her nipple between thumb and forefinger, and she arched up in response, asking for more.

  So aroused! Gods, I was so aroused. My cock pressed urgently against her side, the pressure growing fiercer with every moment that passed. Had I ever wanted anything as much as I wanted Accalia in this moment? I doubted it. She was everything!

  When her hand closed around my aching cock I nearly jumped off the floor. But to do so would have broken the desperately needed contact, so I fought to keep still so she could... could... Gods, she was stroking my length, over and over again.

  I pulled away, panting. I felt her disappointment. Amusement replaced desperate need for a moment.

  “You do much more of that and I’ll come,” I told her.

  “I know. I want to give you pleasure like you are giving me,” she whispered nervously, her tone revealing her embarrassment.

  “If... If I leave here smelling of sex it... it will not go well for us,” I warned, though everything inside me screamed to let her continue.

  But this thought made her pause. I could almost hear her mind turning over. I nuzzled into her neck, unable to stay away.

  “Take your tunic off,” she ordered suddenly. “And your loincloth.”

  “Only if you do,” I murmured against her ear.

  Gods, she was no scared little virgin, fainting away from me. She was a confident woman sure of what she wanted, although I knew she was still a virgin. And would stay one. It would not be me who spoiled her chances of a future with a man of her own class. But her confidence was more arousing than anything else. It called to me, like to like.

  I moved away from her and drew my tunic over my head. I lay it with my unwound loincloth beneath me. Accalia did the same. When I reached over again to touch her, I felt nothing but uninterrupted skin. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I wanted her like nothing before!

  We lay for a little time, skin to skin. I could feel her small, pointed breasts pressing into my chest. One of her arms was around my shoulder, the other around my back. One of my arms cradled her shoulder and continued down so I could stroke her back. My other arm drew her closer. I wanted as much skin touching skin as I could get.

  “I feel... so safe,” she said into my neck. “I feel cocooned by your body. And you smell so good.”

  I laughed a little drunkenly. I had to smell like sweat and smoke, not exactly a winning combination. But as I drew her scent deep into my lungs I realised that I barely noticed anything but her womanly fragrance, which was so different from my own. Yes, it included sweat, but there was a sweetness to it that held nothing of the acrid odour of male sweat. Or so it seemed to me. Maybe that was the way it was meant to be, a male attracted by a woman’s scent, a female attracted by a man’s. Yet this was more than that. I had been close to women before, very close, and though their scent had aroused me, it hadn’t pleased me as Accalia’s did.

  “What is so funny?” she demanded indignantly.

  “I do not smell good. I threw a bucket of water over myself after our training session, to wash away some of the stench, but then I rubbed shoulders with a lot of sweaty, filthy bodies before I found you.”

  I felt her shrug in my arms. “All I smell is you. And I could eat you up, you smell so good.”

  I moaned. Why did she have to say things like that. My cock jerked between us, putting its hand up to be eaten. I could imagine what it would feel like to have her hot, wet mouth closing over me. The bliss would be sublime.

  Her tongue licked at my neck and my arms tightened reflexively. This was getting very dangerous. I had promised to protect her from my desire and her own, but I wasn’t sure I could do it if she kept going. She was too tempting.

  I wanted to release her and put some distance between us, to get back my sanity. But it was impossible. After years of imagining what it would be like to hold her, I was finally doing it. And there was no way I would stop now. The damned roof could fall in on us, and I still wouldn’t be able to let her go.

  “You taste salty and a bit gritty,” she muttered, before licking the underside of my earlobe. “That’s a bit less gritty.”

  “Why are you playing with me? Don’t you know how dangerous your situation is right now?” I managed to warn her, although I felt I was betraying my own body by doing so.

  She rubbed her nose up and down my neck. “Am I playing? I suppose I am. But I can no more stop than I could ignore the plight of the people whose homes were burning. It is what I do. You said so yourself. And this... this feels so right. Like I have waited my whole life for the chance to be held by you. To hear your heart beat against my own. Is that dangerous? Yes, I know it is. But... I cannot stop.”

  She kissed the base of my throat, before lifting her head to offer me her mouth. I couldn’t see what she did, but I knew it with every one of my other intensified senses.

  I took her mouth, claiming it in the most primal of ways. I invaded it with my tongue, conquering it, and making it mine. Accalia moaned and whimpered, giving me everything
she was in that one kiss. I felt it to my toes.

  My mouth broke from hers to draw air into my lungs. It seemed like another betrayal to have to breathe. So I began kissing my way down her long, slender neck until I reached the crook, then I gently bit into it and felt her melt a little more into me.

  Encouraged, I moved lower, having to release my hold of her a little to do so. My mouth trailed down over her breast bone and then to the tip of one small mound. I suckled deeply on the nipple, the taste too good, way too good, for either of our good intentions.

  Accalia jerked and shivered beneath me, her hands buried deep in my short, kinky hair, kneading my scalp and pressing me closer. I suckled a little more, before gently closing my teeth over the tip. She cried out and writhed beneath me. One of her hands came down to claim one of mine. The one currently stroking her belly. She directed it where she needed it most: between her legs.

  Was she aching there as much as my cock ached? I thought so. My fingers found their way between the folds of her sex. The wetness there told me all I needed to know. She was ready.

  But I couldn’t take advantage of her need. Not in the way I wanted. Instead, I found the hard, little pea within the folds and stroked it. She whimpered, pressing closer, caught between the double points of pleasure, her nipple and her core.

  “More,” she moaned.

  She had no idea what she was saying!

  Instead of doing what I wanted to do right then, I pushed into her body with a finger, looking for the spot just behind the pea that seemed to give pleasure. Accalia’s body clamped onto my finger the moment before I felt her muscles ripple as she went over the edge. Gods, to feel that happening around my cock! It would be too good, too good.

  She fell back, panting and replete for the moment. I knew what I wanted next, and I wondered if she would be willing. Had Asterius done this to her? Had she let him? But I needed the scent of her in my nose and the taste of her on my tongue. While she tried to recover, I began kissing my way down her body, heading for the place every part of me wanted to be.