The Sacrifice Page 20
I rolled my eyes again, this time at Moyna. "Just because I was able to keep my magic hidden does not make me this prophesied incarnation of the goddess. I would have to produce magical childlings first, would I not? To prove I can do it? That requires at least another thirteen or fourteen suncycles. If I get pregnant immediately, that is."
That seemed to stump them a little. The little man with the pointy beard sputtered out an answer. "You meet the other criteria. You are the direct seed of the Godling and the Godling has lost his potency."
"What if he never had potency at all?" I demanded. "What if the magical seed was passed down by women. If a man gathers enough magically potent women to him then he could claim he was responsible for their magical offspring."
"The women show no magic," argued Pointy Beard.
"Neither does the Godling himself. That has never been a requirement. He is the eldest son of the eldest son of the reigning Godling. And as long as it appears as if he produces magical sons then he stays in power. What if it's dormant? Has anyone considered that the magical daughters being born from magical sons are actually being born to women with dormant or latent magic? What if ..."
"Enough!" Pointy Beard yelled. "You are talking irrelevant nonsense in an endeavour to distract from your role. You are the Godling's magical daughter, who will change everything."
"So you tell yourself because you want to win this rebellion. I am just the one daughter who managed to keep her magic secret. I am a fluke. A girl who should have been born a boy."
"You have four members of your harem. That is unheard of," declared Yianni, his hand gesturing to the men behind me.
"They are brothers. They do everything together," I argued.
"May I intervene here?" a softly spoken woman not much older than myself said into the silence that followed my childish argument. I knew I was being childish, but I felt like I was drowning beneath the expectations of these strangers. I was not their Prophesied One! I could not be. I was no different to the other Elemental Mistresses.
"This is a great deal for Airsha to take in," the young woman said. "Mayhap we need to give her a little time to digest what we have told her. I would suggest that she be allowed to read the prophecy for herself."
I was all for giving me breathing space. And I would love to read this so-called prophecy. I did not believe in the gods, and I was still undecided about the existence of one goddess. I certainly did not see my role in life was to become the next Godling. I just wanted to ride airlings and love the brothers. And mayhap spar with them and teach them what I knew about fighting. I missed fighting.
Moyna nodded. "I concur. We are pressuring her. This is old territory for us but new for her. Anyone would balk at it initially."
"You are right, of course," Yianni said. "I apologise, Air Mistress. It is just that we are all so excited about discovering you. And of the success of our first battle. It has all been theoretical up until you were found. Now it is really happening."
I loved that women seemed to have a voice in the decision-making, a voice that was heard. But I did not like that they had hooked the success of their rebellion on me.
I nodded my acceptance of the apology and turned to leave. I needed a quiet sit down to think this through. And I needed my men's input.
Chapter Twenty
"I am not this goddess incarnate!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air in frustration.
We had gone back to our room and been arguing about the meeting ever since. I was outnumbered and growing more angry with every passing moment. I had expected them to support me, and instead they were supporting the stupid justifications of the rebels.
"Stop acting like a child," Rama snapped, running his fingers through his blonde hair so that it looked dishevelled and too attractive for words.
"Why am I being a child when all I am doing is disagreeing? Do I not have that right?"
"A child twists information to suit themselves. They ignore what they don't want to hear." His voice had become a low growl now, which always meant danger.
Ignoring the danger, I gave him a forceful push. He fell back a step, unprepared for my attack. With a beastling snarl he charged forward, bringing his nose to mine, long finger poking threateningly into my shoulder.
"And a child resorts to violence when they lose an argument," he fumed, blue eyes glinting like a war shield. My core melted traitorously. I should have stayed furious, not suddenly become aroused. Had we been alone I would have...
Damn the gods, why should I not do it?
I leaned in and kissed him with all the passion I was feeling in that moment. I heard Calun groan as he experienced my explosion of need.
Rama kissed me back with the same whirlwind of passion. I felt a man move in behind me, drawn by my desire. He pressed against me and nuzzled my neck with open-mouthed kisses. Surprisingly, it was Darkin. Even in my lust-dazed state I recognised the feel of him. I reached behind me and drew him even closer. It was the most amazing sensation to be sandwiched between two large bodies.
I have no idea how long we kissed like that, but eventually Darkin drew back and became the voice of reason once more.
"She's distracting us. Enough Rama."
Reluctantly, Rama broke the kiss and growled. "Woman, you don't play fair."
I giggled light-headedly. I felt like I had consumed strong spirits again. All I wanted was to love my men, not talk about being some goddess incarnate.
A new, very outrageous thought entered my head. Was it possible to have them all at once? Would they even want to share me that way? It was one thing to know I shared pleasure with their brothers, but to do so in front of them, with them? Yet hadn't Jaron said something about sharing women before?
Before they knew what I was about, I stepped away and quickly removed my gown. Four mouths dropped open as they stared at my naked body. I was glad the bandage had come off this morning and that I'd been eating enough to put flesh back on my bones. I felt incredibly gifted by their reactions.
Calun was the first to show me what he thought of my idea. In my head I saw all of us on cushions on the floor, every inch of me in contact with my men. And my silent lover was close to release at the very idea.
Swallowing with difficulty, still not confident in my appeal, I looked at the others. "I would like to share pleasure with all of you right now. Is that possible?"
Cushions and coverings were suddenly piled on the floor to make one huge bed. Clothes seemed to fall away as if they had never been. I was suddenly surrounded by four very tall, very muscular, very naked men. For the first time I was frightened. Not that any of them would do me harm, but that I was out of my depth. I was still so inexperienced. I had shared pleasure with three of them, but only shared my body completely with one. I was miserably ignorant. What if this broke us apart somehow. What if I disappointed them because I was not up to this audacious challenge?
I felt Calun's reassurance, though his own lack of experience meant it did little to actually reassure me. But I had committed to this. Backing away like a craven coward, fearing my own inadequacies, was not a possibility.
So I let my silent man be the one to lay me down in the centre of the pile. One by one, they joined me, taking up places at my shoulders and legs.
"Are you sure?" Darkin asked from his place at my right shoulder.
"No, not really. But it feels right. Like this is going to... bind us? When we do this separately it feels like I am being pulled away from the whole. Which is good, because I get to focus on that one bond. But this is like you are all coming to me and I get to focus on the whole bond. Does that make any sense at all?"
Darkin claimed my mouth then as answer. It was a commanding kiss, just the sort I expected from him. He was leading the way, as always. I felt Calun, who was on my left side, take my breast in his hand, lifting it up to meet his hungry mouth. I knew how much he enjoyed doing this to me; enjoyed my response to it.
Hands lower on my body ran up and down my legs. Cal
luses caught on the smoothness of my skin and the slight pain aroused me even more than the idea of what we were doing had done.
Darkin broke from my mouth so he could begin kissing his way down my neck. Calun released my breast to take his previous place, kissing me in his slightly inexperienced, but no less arousing, way.
Tugging roughly on my loose hair, which I had worn down for the meeting with the rebels and now fanned out above me like a white cloud, Darkin dragged my head back so he could get at my neck more fully. His mouth latched onto skin with a frenzy I would never have expected of him. Always so calm and in control, was my dark lover. But not now.
A hand slid up the inside of my thigh and then between my wet folds. I wriggled and squirmed at the invasion, and Calun broke from the kiss so I could gasp in air. The intrusion was possessive and experienced. I glanced down to find Jaron's lust-filled gaze focused on my face, his fingers buried in my curls. Rama's blonde head was at my belly, kissing and licking me there. I reached reflexively for the blonde head and buried my fingers in the thick silk. After a moment, I submerged myself once more, claiming Calun's waiting mouth with even more fire.
For a long time I lost track of the sensual overload. I lost track of who was doing what to me. It was like I floated on an erotic wave that touched me everywhere. And I touched back, my hands roving over taut muscles and hard cocks.
At one point I drew the cock in my hand up to my face. I looked at it admiringly. My gaze drifted up to find it was Calun I held. I asked permission to do what I wanted to do and his eyes grew large and burning. I saw another scene of sexual play he had watched through a window. This time it was Jaron. A woman had taken his cock into her mouth and slid it in and out, in the same way as he would have done inside her core.
As I touched my tongue to the outer side of his cock, just below the head, a tongue slid into my folds. I moaned as I took the mushroomed head fully into my mouth. Calun's intense pleasure was suddenly my own. And we both flew higher as the slick tongue discovered my nub of pleasure. I moaned again, taking him deeper.
A mouth closed around a nipple. No, two mouths closed around two nipples, as I was lifted up a little so I could get better access to my goal. I wanted to give Calun the pleasure he had missed out on all these suncycles because of cruel ignorance. I wanted him to no longer feel like the outsider, forced to watch from beyond a window.
My legs were spread wide now, a face buried at my crux, hungry tongue devouring me. My excitement was complete and I came, closing my mouth tightly around Calun's cock as I convulsively sucked deep. I heard one of his brothers whisper to him. I couldn't hear the words myself but I heard them from his head.
"Don't come in her mouth. She's too inexperienced."
I wanted to deny the order. But I had no real idea what those whispered words meant. In the next moment, Calun pulled away from me and convulsed into his hands. I watched his body in the throes of ecstasy as I felt his intense pleasure as my own, and then I followed him over that edge again, my back arching almost out of Jaron's grip. The white hot bliss catapulted me from my body for one long, eternal moment
In the next, I plummeted back to earth to find bodies shifting like the wind. My hips were lifted off the makeshift bed and a cock pressed against my core. I stared down through barely focused eyes to see Darkin poised to enter me. His rampant sex seemed huge and aggressive. I wanted him inside me like I wanted my next breath.
He must have seen it too, because he smiled almost tenderly. Then the smile was gone and he was edging himself inside me. For all my sexual arousal, my channel was tight. The friction, as he slid inexorably in, took my full attention.
The others seemed to have moved a little away, allowing us this moment. I felt stretched and finally full as he sunk to his balls inside me.
"Gods, you are a goddess," he said on a moan. "And you're mine at last."
A mouth kissed my neck and then sucked hard. "And mine forever," Rama said into my ear as he ended the bite. I moaned from the pleasure and pain of it and rocketed off the edge yet again, while Darkin gritted his teeth and kept very still inside me. I could feel him throbbing. And my channel rippled in expectation.
Hands were everywhere again as Darkin began to move. I even felt fingers on my pleasure nub as Darkin rode me. The duel pleasure of contact inside and out was more than I could handle. I whimpered and came apart again, and then again, no more than seconds later.
In the next moment, or was it a 'turn later, Darkin groaned and pulled out of me. His body spasmed as he released his seed onto my belly in fierce spurts that burned like melted wax. As if he had just swum leagues of churning sea, he finally collapsed to the make-shift bed beside me.
From somewhere a warm, wet cloth appeared and wiped away the liquid. I was then gently lifted up by Jaron and placed on my hands and knees. I looked back and saw him kneeling behind me. His fierce satisfaction fuelled my depleted energy and I felt the bliss of our first joining. This time there was no need for a slow and steady entry. My channel was wet and stretched ready to take all of him.
Hands on my hips, he began to draw out and then thrust in again, making me moan out in delight. I felt fingers find my nub again, this time from the side. Calun? Darkin? Calun, I decided as I went into his mind and saw myself through his eyes as he lay beside me.
Rama's thigh was near his ear, my tantalizing breasts were bobbing just beyond my arm. As he looked up, he could see Jaron towering over him, face fixed in focused passion as he thrust again and again into the place Calun wanted to be himself. He was hardening again as he watched, imagining himself inside me. No, not imagining, feeling what I felt, the pumping motions that pushed me higher. His fingers found their way to my nub without thought. Wetness slicked his way as he sought to intensify my pleasure. Our pleasure.
A cock, hard and wanting, appeared in front on me, rubbing itself in my hair next to my face, distracting me and taking me out of Calun's fascinated mind.
"Gods, I love your hair," Rama muttered, as if ashamed to admit such a thing in front of his brothers.
I pushed him back onto his haunches with one hand so that I could take his cock into my mouth. It was the oddest sensation to have Rama and Jaron both inside me in different ways. To keep myself up I had to rest my hands on the bedding. Rama rose up and down to meet me, finding a rhythm to match his brother's. All the while Calun circled and flicked at my nub.
As if the barrage of sensation was not enough, I felt Darkin close a big hand over a breast from the other side of me. He kneaded the flesh as my body quaked its response.
Jaron was riding me hard, holding my hips in place so he could pound into me over and over at a punishing pace. I was so close to coming apart again, but my focus was on sucking the cock in my mouth, listening to Rama's groans of pleasure. Feeling him fisting my hair until it hurt.
Jaron pulled out of me and I heard him cry out as if in agony. I felt empty. Bereft. In the next moment I was filled again. I almost choked in surprise as I felt what it was like for Calun to slip inside me for the first time.
As if he understood how profound the moment was, Rama withdrew so my full focus was on his silent brother. The bliss of our joining flew between us, two minds and two bodies made one for the first time.
It did not last long. I felt his pleasure turn to exquisite pain, too intense to bear, and he exploded inside me. That was all it took. Once more I surged over the edge and joined him in blind ecstasy.
When he withdrew I fell forward onto Rama's thigh. He stroked my damp hair back from my face and I made to take him in my mouth once more.
He pulled a little away. "You're exhausted. Let me do it another way."
With shaking hands he took my bedraggled hair and wrapped it around his cock. While I watched in tired fascination, he drew my locks up and down the length of him, moaning all the while. I clung to his bulging thigh muscle while my other hand crept down to cup his one ball. As he gritted out an oath he used his hand to show me how to pull down on
his sack. Then, as if in agony, he arched up, spine curved backwards and roared out his release as his seed soaked into my seaweed tresses.
I had no idea how long we had all shared that intense, otherworldly bond. It seemed an eternity. While I lay exhausted and blissful, bodies packed in around me, needing to touch and be touched, but no longer with lust. This was a different need. A tender need.
Eventually replete, I drifted into sleep, the scent of sex and men filling me up in yet another way.
Chapter Twenty-One
A soft exclamation of shock woke me from satiated sleep. Reia stood over us, eyes wide. I wondered what we looked like to her, a wild disarray of naked limbs and torsos. Embarrassment and shame rose up inside me.
What we had done was not normal, not right. It was bad enough that I had chosen to give myself to more than one man, unmarried, but to do so at the same time...?
I saw the scene where I had Rama's cock in my mouth while Jaron occupied my channel. If I had come upon that tableau I would have been horrified. Sickened. The sex act was not meant to be shared like we had done. It was... wrong.
Reia backed out of the room hurriedly and I closed my eyes before the tears could overflow. What had I done? What greedy need had caused me to push our unconventional bond so far?
Did this make me a whore? My men had shared whores before. Surely this made me one of them now, too.
My fevered thoughts and castigations woke Calun and he was in my mind in an instant, experiencing all of my pain. His damp palm stroked my belly and his concern stroked my soul. 'All is well,' he told me. 'More than well. We're no longer five separate beings, we're one. Nothing in what we did was wrong for us. We worshipped your body together and it was the most profound moment in my life. I'm sure it was the same for the others.'
All this reassurance flowed to me quickly, and I relaxed a little. The others shifted and stretched as they came awake. I watched their reactions closely, looking for horror or revulsion, or disgust for me. There was none. Tender hands stroked my skin, noses nuzzled into the spots behind my ears.